Der ganze Rest / Top Way You Know You Are In Love




The most definite signs



Clean Underwear
Your wallet gets much lighter!

You don't care anymore about the phone bill !!!

You realize your friends are idiots.

Travelling great distances just to see her for any length of time.

What Friends????

Valentine's Day becomes a MAJOR holiday!

Not only do you stop & smell the roses, you buy them!

It's not "I" - it's "we".

Sleep and food become optional - time with her becomes life-sustaining

You start wearing his old T-Shirts as night shirts

You walk into walls, and enjoy it.

You dedicate two thirds of your brain to her

Your brain takes a holiday

Knowing her name when you wake up next to her!

When you see her, your spirits rise, and not just yous spirits!

You spend your food money on roses

You prefer her to the internet - it must be love

Going to be a Daddy

You stop reading Playboy

All those slushy songs on the radio start to sound good....

You keep things around you that remind you of her -- even though it hurts.

Sudden willingness to put up with somebody else's crap

"Honey, why don't *you* pick out a movie?"

You want to be seen with her

You lose concentration!

Being in the wet spot doesnt bother you

Your heart jumps every time you see him

You put a picture of her in your wallet

You start cooking dinner instead of nuking a TV dinner

The way to the heart.....

You turn the computer off the minute she walks in the door

You don't care what kind of car he's driving

Your friends roll their eyes at the mention of your beloved's name (also known as 'overkill')

You say something and it comes out, "Ag Yer Booblebab"

Every once in a while, when you lest expect it, you'll realize "Hey, I'm happy!?"

When you're with him, and every hormone is screaming "Take Me Now, Please!!!

You sing her songs and you don't even know the lyrics ...

You write poetry

Weight loss!

When you say to your self that yur in love

If love were a toilet, I'd crap all day

The millionth kiss feels just like that first, electric kiss

You know that if you can't have her nobody else can either!

Your friends begin to dread anything you say, 'cos they *know* it'll be about the OOYA (Object Of Your Affections)... Even if you *swear* it won't be!

You would find a way to dig through a mountain and float over an ocean for her

When you talk on the phone for 4 hours every day with him!

You grab your mom/dad and start dancing

You remember to raise and lower THE SEAT

You no longer own anything....She owns it all






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